Michael E. Salla, Ph.D Kona,
Hawaii July/07/2007
from Exopolitics Website
In "The Physics of Extraterrestrial
Civilizations" Professor Michio Kaku promotes an
important typology for extraterrestrial civilizations. The typology is
based on current physics theories on different energy sources, and how
technology evolves to tap into and use these sources. There has been
accumulating evidence over the last sixty years that points to
extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth, and using energy at very
different levels based on their technological sophistication.
Tomorrow, for
example, witnesses the 60th anniversary of the famous Roswell news release
of July 8, 1947, that a flying saucer had crashed. The Public Information
Officer responsible for releasing the story to the press, recently
confirmed that it was an extraterrestrial vehicle after all, and not a
weather balloon as later announced by the military (click here). The flying
saucer crash was very likely related to the powerful thunderstorm activity
associated with that area of New Mexico, and signified the technological
limitations of visiting extraterrestrials.
typology is very helpful for discerning different categories of
extraterrestrials based on their observable behaviors in terms of energy
consumption and needs, interaction with natural planetary forces, and
negotiations with political elites.
Some extraterrestrials appear
to very interested in specific physical and/or biological resources, while
others appear to be more interested in macro planetary resources such as
seismic and geo-thermal processes, ionospheric activity, etc. The latter
often appear to operate under some kind of non-intervention creed, but it
may be that they are simply operating at a technological level that we
cannot fully fathom in terms of their energy needs. The former group of
extraterrestrials, on the other hand, appear to need physical and organic
resources for energy consumption.
Kaku's typology was first
proposed in 1964 by the Russian physicist Nicolai Kardashev. The
typology suggests there are four different levels of energy manipulation
by advanced civilizations whose total energy use is separated by a factor
of several billion.
Type 0
civilizations would be similar to our own in that energy consumption
primarily comes from fossil fuels, and organic life. Extraterrestrials
operating at this level of energy consumption would be very interested
in what humanity has to offer in these areas given the diversity of
species and resources around the planet. Such extraterrestrials would
find that much of the planet's resources at this energy level are
controlled by political elites at the national and global levels.
Consequently, Type 0 extraterrestrials would be
interested in trading their more advanced technology for whatever
physical and biological resources political elites are willing to
exchange. This is likely the source of agreements with national
governments that some whistleblowers claim are based on technology
resource exchanges with visiting extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials
operating at this level would be considered to have advanced negotiating
skills for achieving their goals. They might easily appear to be
manipulative and unprincipled in their efforts to gain energy sources
for their needs from negotiations with political elites that are opaque
and not officially disclosed. Phenomena such as cattle mutilations,
abductions, underground extraterrestrial bases, etc., might be evidence
of Type 0 extraterrestrials fulfilling their energy needs.
Type I
civilizations have technologies that work at the level of planetary
energies such as seismic and geo-thermal power, ionospheric energy, etc.
An example, would be Nikola Tesla's wireless energy transmission that
taps into the abundant energy in the ionosphere. Unfortunately, Tesla
was curbed in popularizing this form of energy consumption at the
beginning of the 20th century, and we still rely on fossil and organic
fuel sources.
Kaku argues
that while humanity displays signs of becoming a Type 1 civilization in
terms of a planetary language (English), planetary communications
(internet), planetary economy (e.g., European Union), and planetary
culture (Hollywood, mass media, etc.). However, based on our total
energy output, humanity is estimated to be still up to 200 years from
becoming a Type I civilization.
An extraterrestrial civilization
that is at the Type I evolutionary level, would be interested in
planetary processes and use these for their own energy needs. They would
have less need for agreements with political elites at the
national/global levels that have little control over the weather,
geo-thermal processes and the oceans abundant hydropower. Such
extraterrestrials might be interested in preventing disruptive processes
that might threaten the stability of the Earth.
They might
discourage, for example, the development of destructive energy sources
such as thermonuclear weapons. The destructive power of such weaponry
could significantly threaten the integrity of the biosphere and thus
deny such extraterrestrials an important source of energy. Evidence for
such motivations appear in testimonies of whistleblowers concerning the
deactivation of nuclear facilities by UFOs/extraterrestrial vehicles (click here).
Nevertheless, political
elites may attempt to deny such extraterrestrials access to such
planetary energy sources by creating a global shield around the planet.
A Space Shuttle mission in 1991 (STS 48) captured live video footage of
what appeared to be a UFO being targeted by advanced weapons. This might
be evidence of an undeclared national security policy to deny
extraterrestrials access to the planet's resources (see below video).
Evidence of Missile Strike Against UFO during NASA mission
Type II
civilizations work with stellar energies wherein solar flares, the
solar wind, stellar fusion processes, etc., are used for energy
purposes. Such civilizations would be able to tap into energy sources
that are vastly beyond the capabilities our present technologies. Type
II extraterrestrials would likely appear to be
non-interventionist since they are have little need for energy
resources offered by our planet. They would, in any communications or
interaction with our planet's political elite or national citizenry,
appear to be highly principled.
This level of
extraterrestrial contact may be evidenced in the testimonies of
individuals who have experienced direct physical contact or
communications. This level of extraterrestrial civilization would be
viewed by those that come into interaction with it as benevolent and
non-interventionist. Kaku cites estimates that humanity will take
3200 years to reach Type II status.
Type III
civilizations work with energies at a galactic level which would be
using the energy of entire solar systems and the galactic core. They
might be interested in how an individual planet operates in order to
harmonize the energies of a solar system. So disruptive processes that
might threaten the stability of a planet and even a solar system might
attract the interest of such extraterrestrials. They might discourage,
for example, the development of destructive energy sources such as
thermonuclear weapons or anti-matter technology. The destructive power
of such weaponry might not only threaten the integrity of the biosphere,
but could also significantly disrupt the solar system. Kaku cites
estimates that humanity will take 5800 years to reach type III
promotion of a typology for extraterrestrial civilizations based
on physics theories is very helpful since it provides a means of
understanding the possible ways that humanity would interact with visiting
extraterrestrial civilizations. There has been growing evidence that
interaction has occurred on the political and individual levels but this
information continues to be withheld form the general public.
governments such as France have recently taken the initiative to disclose
evidence of UFOs and the unexplained nature of these (click
here). Such government disclosures help confirm the reality of
the UFO phenomenon and some of the activities of extraterrestrial
visitors. They also help provide raw data for discerning the motivations
of extraterrestrial motivations. Kaku's typology gives a way of discerning
the motivations of visiting extraterrestrial civilizations from their
observable activities.
That will be
critical as we move closer to official disclosure of advanced
extraterrestrial life, where we will need to understand which among the
many visiting extraterrestrial civilizations are most beneficial for
our evolution as a species and planet.